The Local Government Unit of Tiwi, Albay is on its way towards sustainable economic development founded by transparent and participatory governance. It is inspired to meet its vision of becoming a premier geothermal, ceramics, agro fishery, industrial zone, and an eco tourism and pilgrimage destination in the Bicol Region, with a healthy, self reliant, learned and motivated citizenry, with diversified and competitive industries in a balanced ecology, a well-planned and maintained infrastructure, brought by an honest, responsive, competent and transparent governance guided by a genuine love of God, country and the community.

Our programs addresses issues and challenges we faced and to promote the well-being of our citizens.
Welcome to the Tiwi, Albay Tourism! Immerse yourself in the charm and beauty of our vibrant city nestled in the heart of Bicolandia.
Tiwi is compliant with the minimum public health standards set by the government and uses or integrates its contact tracing
We promote openness, accountability, and honesty which are the values we strongly hold on to and which we employ.